Silvaire Noireterel

Of the Sky. From the Sky. For the Sky.
Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Noteable features:
Current Residence:
Current Occupation:
Favourite Colors:
Silvaire Gabriel de Noireterel
Ishgardian Elezen
August 15th
Reading, Gardening
Green/Turquoise, Red
Mother, stepfather, younger stepsister (30), younger stepbrother(deceased)
Things to associate him with
Mythical Figure:
Time of the Day:
White, Gold
Light, Ice
White Lily
Dusk / Night
Upon meeting this elezen one might first feel intimidated by the stern look on his face and the striking gaze of his eyes. Silvaire will always observe other people first and is more the reserved kind of man in general. His personality in his younger years differs a lot from his current one. As a child he used to be quiet and mostly kept everything to himself. As a young adult his lips would have a hard time holding back a snarky comment, he always had to have the last word and got frequently into discussions and word fights. His knowledge and intelligence didn’t teach him to be humble, rather the opposite: He would know when he was right – and would not shy away to mention it as well. To strangers he is never rude, but should he despise a person Silvaire will show that by being overly polite as if to mock them. In general it also can be added that Silvaire is stubborn by nature. If he is not pleased with something he won't show it easily though, but will rather try to deal with it by himself. However, if someone tries to pick up a fight with him, he will fight back, because, yes - stubborn.With work and duties he is reliable and carries these out thoroughly. However, he used to show arrogance towards other healers since he is quite confident in his own abilities. Nonetheless he treats higher ups (usually) with respect, but wouldn't shy away from speaking up or making a snarky comment in general. Growing up as a nobleman he learned though how to stay and be polite when talking to members of lower or high houses and he is very talented when it comes to doing smalltalk - even though he dislikes it and would gladly escape any social gathering. Unless dancing is involved, which he enjoys wholeheartedly. Due to his time growing up in Ishgard and its society he is very wary especially of Ishgardian nobility - though he is wary of outsiders as well. Due to his status as a bastard child he wasn’t always treated well by the Ishgardian highborn society and so he disclosed most of his kind-hearted nature, not trusting people easily and keeping them at a safe distance. The only exception being his siblings.However, behind the rather cold gaze hides a warm smile and a gentle and caring personality which he will only show to the people he is comfortable with. It might take him a while to warm up and he is not comfortable when it comes to letting other people get close to him as he fears becoming vulnerable. Once he cares about someone though he shows his softer side and actually enjoys taking care of others. After he left Ishgard and moved to Gridania he started showing his friendly side more often with time.
(Still under Construction)
Firmament over us, Fundament 'neath us
Born as the Lord's first son of the house Noireterel Silvaire grew up carrying the responsibilities and expectations of a future nobleman and successor to his father. However, a shadow has been always lingering above him ever since he was born. When his mother, a lady from a lower house in Ishgard, very quickly married Lord Noireterel, whom she was betrothed to, there were many rumours going around among the nobility. "They have been seeing each other before their marriage already! She was carrying the child already on their wedding day", they would say. For a while the talk stopped after Silvaire was born. But not until the first people started noticing his heterochromia, especially his left golden eye. The house Noireterel was known for their pale blue sometimes lavender colored eyes, while in his mother's family green eyes were the most common color, the kind of green Silvaire's right eye would show. But gold, gold was belonging to none of them. No matter how much his parents tried to cover it up, it was obvious that he couldn't a trueborn, even though Lord Noireterel never confirmed these statements.And as such more rumours starting to spread, ones which labeled Silvaire as being an illegitimate child raised in the house Noireterel. As such children from other high houses were told to avoid playing with him or seeing him to keep up the reputation of the other houses and so Silvaire grew up mostly alone by himself and found escape in the world of books. That was until he reached his 8th nameday when his sister Ameline was born and two years after his little brother Cillien. It was not until his teens that he learned the truth about himself, that he indeed was the son of another man. A knight from Coerthas who his mother dearly loved even though she had been promised to another man, a decision she was never able to make herself. However, once she noticed that she was with child she decided to break the ties, to carry out her duty as a noblewoman to not bring shame to her house. And so the marriage with Lord Noireterel happened almost instantly, him promising that he would raise Silvaire like his own son.Once Silvaire's siblings were born and started to grow up he helped raising them, being the typical older brother, with the twist that he was more often than not teased by his little sister, a trait both seem to share. As a result the bond between the three of them was strong, even if Silvaire started to spend less time with them once he enrolled at the Saint Endalim's Scholasticate and spent the following six years there until graduation. He focused mainly on restorative magicks and medicine "because his mind was sharper than any sword or spear he would be able to wield" (as Silvaire liked to say), and eventually supported the knights in their fight against dragons and heretics in the Dragonsong War as a field chirurgeon. Many years later his brother Cillien would join the same unit as him, wishing to become a honorable knight to protect Ishgard together with his brother.Here and there Silvaire heard about Garlean invasions in the rest of Eorzea and about the lingering danger by them. However, since Ishgard has been isolated he didn't feel much of the other nations' problems as he was completely occupied with the Dragonsong War and his work as a medic. It was not until the fall of Dalamud that Ishgard and Coerthas would feel the consequenced of the fight they tried to not take part in: Within only a short time all land was covered by snow, some villages even buried under it. While cold winters were not new to them that kind of frost came too fast, too sudden, and caused a change nobody had been able to calculate. During this time Silvaire would aid mostly outside the gates, trying to tend to wounded citizens as well as trying to help people not succumb to the cold.
Innocence lost, buried in broken Faith
(ARR to HW)
The chaos caused by the calamity and the infinite winter took an even harder toll on Ishgard who was already struggling from the Dragonsong War. Silvaire was rarely at home and most of the time on the field or the infirmary, rarely resting at home. And so it happened that a group of heretics used the chaos to attack the unit Silvaire and Cillien were serving when they were out in a snowstorm in the Western Highlands of Coerthas. The latter was captured among other knights and was made to drink Dragonblood, eventually turning into a dragon. With his last bit of consciousness left he demanded of his older brother to kill him, so he wouldn't harm his comrades and bring shame over his family, or even worse, open the opportunity for the Holy Inquisition to think they might be heretics. Silvaire hesitated, not wishing to commit fratricide as he loved his brother with his whole heart. Eventually he would oblige though, knowing that if he wouldn't do it, someone else from the remaining unit might. And so as a last act of mercy he would stab him to death with his cane, before Cillien was able to transform. From his family he would keep this incident and officially he was killed by heretics. Cillien having to drink the blood of a dragon would stay unmentioned.Ever since then Silvaire hasn't been the same. He sought comfort in the arms of the church, praying each day to Halone, closed himself off completely from his family. Eventually he became a member of the clergy, still joining temple knights and inquisitors on the field as medical support. However it also became his act of revenge, hunting down heretics mercilessly and people associated with them, showing no mercy as he killed them whenever he had the chance to. His heart didn't feel anything, all he could think of was to fill the void he felt inside by taking from those who took the one dearest to him.With the fall of Thordan and the Heaven's Ward four years after his brother died Silvaire found himself shocked and shaken once the truth about the Dragonsong War was revealed. Has this truly been the will of the Fury? Instead of protecting he had been killing in her name for a case which happened to be a lie by the church, the institution he had been seeking comfort in the past few years of his life. Had his brother died for nothing? Could it have been eventually prevented?
All Silvaire knew was that he had to leave. Leave Ishgard behind, atleast for a while. And so a few weeks after he learned about the truth he packed only the most necessary belongings into a small bag, leaving quietly in the safety of the night without a word to anyone. And his feet carried him to the Shroud, Gridania, in the hope of a new beginning. Atoning for his sins, mourn the ones he had lost and the lives he had taken.

On wings of Faith we'll rise again
(Post-HW to Present)
It took Silvaire a while to get accustomed to the new environment, he had always been a child Ishgard's after all and didn't know much except war. On his way to Gridania he stayed in various villages, offering his skills as a travelling medic in exchange for food or a bed. Once he arrived in Gridania he decided to give his restless soul a place to stay for a while, not knowing if he might continue to wander or if he could get accustomed to a new home. Not only was he wary of the people, they were also wary of him, since he was obviously from outside the forest, his Ishgardian dialect and clothes exposing him. Nonetheless he found a way to help out at the conjurer's guild by crafting balms and tinctures, making use of his knowledge as a former Ishgardian chirurgeon. At times he would accompany the Twin Adder as a medic to help people in the forest or take care of the bowmen and lancers while they were protecting the forest. It took Silvaire a long while but eventually the Shroud became his new second home and slowly his wounded heart began to heal. The scars would always stay, but eventually he started to forgive himself for the sins he commited. Like flowers in spring his own soul began to bloom again.Nowadays he earns his coin as apothecary, still often working in the name of the conjurer's guild. Now that he wasn't surrounded by snow any longer he found himself enjoying the simple things of life. he found more time for himself again, enjoying reading or discovering new hobbies such as gardening, using his healing abilities to help the plants grow. At times he would also visit his former home again, pick up some books in his house or help his sister who was very engaged with the restauration Ishgard's.

Silvaire doesn't know how to swim. And refuses to learn.❖The chocobo Silvaire owns is actually not his own. The night he left Ishgard he stole a chocobo from nearby stables so he could ride the way to Gridania. He refuses to call it stealing though and says he only "borrowed" the chocobo for some time. However, by now he calls this bird by the name Gwendolyne and grew too attached to her to bring her back.While we are at it: Silvaire is actually not very comfortable with sitting on a mount.And he is afraid of heights.❖Drinking alcoholic beverages is all fine with Silvaire. He also enjoys going to a tavern, mostly with company though. However, he gets tipsy and drunk very quickly and becomes very chatty as a result. So if you are not interested in hearing about his latest medical research, better don't give him something containing alcohol.❖Silvaire might be a healer at heart, but he knows how to weild a lance well. While a cane might be not as balanced he would still use it's sharp end to defend himself violently if necessary. However he doesn't know how to aim with bow and arrow and only knows how to carry a sword in decorative ways. His magical abilities are surpassing his physical ones by far.❖When he has the choice Silvaire would always prefer to sleep in. He has some tendencies of a workaholic and if he is focused on something he might work until late at night.❖When it comes to food Silvaire has a very sweet tooth. Something he won't show as easily though. He adores the candied apples sold at the firmament during the fêtes and Mont Blancs! But also cakes of any kind.❖During his time as a chirurgeon in Ishgard he would wear earrings carrying poison inside when on field missions.❖Silvaire has a melodic kind voice and he talks in a way where people enjoy listening to him. However, even though he owns a melodic voice, he absolutely cannot sing, even if his life would depend on it. that won't stop him from enjoying it though! Despite that he enjoys music and has a sense for melodies, in his youth he lerned how to play the piano and cello, which he at times still will play.❖Silvaire has an unhealthy pride when it comes to his height. Since he is considered on the very tall spectrum when it comes to elezen height he is used to people being smaller than him. To the point that he gets mildly annoyed if someone suddenly turns out to be taller than him.❖Despite his intelligence, tactical way of thinking and having no trouble analyzing the hardest of situations he is oblivious when it comes to people and their emotions. Silvaire won't notice someone is interested in him unless being directly told, otherwise he'll just think the other is being "nice and polite".❖This man has an absolutely terrible sense of direction. No further elaboration.❖As typically for Ishgardians Halone is Silvaire's deity and he believes strongly in her and her guidance; especially during the years after his brother's death he almost seemed obsessed with the virtues which were preached. However, his relationship to her was damaged for a while once the truth about the Dragonsong War was made public and he questioned his own belief a lot. Eventually he found his peace though and still worships her deeply, praying for her protection. He chose to no longer kill in her name.❖Silvaire has a great pokerface and knows when and how to hide his emotions and true thoughts. However, he is very very very easily flustered when you push the right buttons. His cheeks will flush then as well as the tips of his ears.❖
Canon Outfits
❖Young Silvaire❖
❖Present Silvaire❖